

Climate Crisis On Trial: Taking it to Court

Shani Cairns, MLIS, Science Communicator February 27, 2023 “One has not only a legal, but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.” – Martin Luther King, Jr. At…

Nuclear Power: A Risk Analysis

Shani Cairns, MLIS, Science Communicator February 14, 2023 “Far from tackling climate change, nuclear power is an expensive distraction whose safety is threatened by wildfires and floods, experts say.” – Climate News Network 100 Seconds to MidnightThe atomic…
Figure 8_Boulton

After COP27, What Are The Options? An Introduction to Plan E

Shani Cairns, MLIS, Science Communicator November 22, 2022 Introduction There is wide agreement that the Paris Agreement and subsequent COP meetings, while involving myriads of well-intentioned people, are hitting the hard limits of what is politically possible. Yet…

COP27: Summit or Scam?

Shani Cairns, MLIS, Science Communicator November 11, 2022 Greenwashing at COP27 What was unthinkable only a decade ago is happening now. The climate crisis has pushed planetary boundaries to the limits. UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ declared earlier this…

Action is the Antidote: Writers Rebel Calls Out GWPF Denial

Shani Cairns, MLIS, Science Communicator October 22, 2022 XR Writers Rebel Takes Action XR Writers Rebel, a group that ‘aims to tell the truth about the climate and ecological emergency‘ now underway involving writers within and without Extinction…

Our Hothouse Future: A Discussion with Prof Bill McGuire

Shani Cairns, MLIS, Science Communicator September 23, 2022 Our Hothouse Future: A Discussion with Prof Bill McGuire Scientists’ Warning Foundation, Scientific Advisory Board member Bill McGuire recently met up with Dr. Alison Green to discuss the controversies surrounding…