Analyzing global climate in order to better understand The Scientists’ Warnings requires a multi-disciplinary approach. On this page, Scientists’ Warning introduces multiple ways to explore the Earth and environmental sciences that impact our every day lives. Here, you will discover the Scientists’ Warning Knowledgebases, Planetary Stressors, Climate Science 101 Coursework, NASA’s Operation IceBridge, and many more educational resources to research your world. Scientists’ Warning discusses subject matter from all disciplines as interconnected and interrelated.
According to Yale University’s Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences, “sustainable human existence is inextricably linked to global interactions between the solid Earth, its hydrosphere, its atmosphere, and its biota.” The goal is to integrate broadly among all of these. Yale Climate Sciences provides a guidance on the subject matter required to study our changing climate and lists the following major areas of discipline as follows (as well as many others not listed here):
- Atmosphere, Ocean, and Environmental Change.
- Climate Change and Climate Science.
- Cloud Physics.
- Earth System Science.
- Energy Systems.
- Environmental Economics.
- Environmental Policy.
- Geology.
- Natural Resource Management & Policy.
- Particle Physics.
- Paleoclimatology.
The Scientists’ Warning Knowledgebase
Scientists’ Warning provides discovery aids called pathfinders, known more commonly as knowledgebases. These are comprehensive guides to the latest research, trends in the data, scholarly literature reviews and climate analysis to grow your science brain so that you can become a citizen scientist with us. Whether you are a scientist, an aspiring citizen scientist, a student or a lifelong researcher you will find ways to learn and act here.
The Scientists’ Warning Knowledgebases are being used in the global classroom to introduce the latest in climate science and related topics. Yale Climate Sciences as well as Oregon State University’s Alliance of World Scientists guides the subject matter followed at Scientists’ Warning.
Scientists’ Warning encourages a dialectic learning and debate process. Please join us on Facebook and share on social media to discuss further. Scientists’ Warning also encourages everyone to become a citizen scientist. Becoming a citizen scientist in the battle for climate justice will help save the planet.
Join the Zooniverse
Zooniverse gives people of all ages and backgrounds the chance to participate in real research with over 50 active online citizen science projects.
How to Fact Check and Spot Fake News
In an age of infowars, conspiracy theories, and mass disinformation, critical thinking and fact checking skills are essential. According to the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA), critical thinking is a key skill in media and information literacy, and the mission of libraries and evidence-based organizations is to educate and advocate its importance.

Discussions about fake news has led to a new focus on media literacy more broadly, and the role of libraries and other research and education institutions in providing this. This downloadable infographic poster from IFLA provides an excellent overview on steps in fact checking.
Climate Myths Debunked Knowledgebase
Scientists’ Warning Foundation is on a mission to protect life and ecosystems on Earth by educating and advocating about climate science. This also means speaking truth to power.
In Climate Myths Debunked Knowledgebase you will find discussions of the of the denial campaign and the popular climate myths now being perpetuated online. Debunks are a popular, entertaining and educational way to clear up climate confusion, fact check, and get real about the crisis we now face and the sixth mass extinction event now underway. This has been repeatedly denied by those in power in order to manufacture consent and keep business as usual going, making debunks extremely necessary and informative.
Research Tools for Citizens Scientists and Skeptics
Scientists’ Warning invites everyone to become a global climate researcher, citizen scientist and skeptic. Part of being a citizen scientist means using the resources now available at our finger tips in the Information Age to do climate analysis. Data visualization has been called the future of science.
Here is a list of tools, dashboards, and resources, used at Scientists’ Warning and beyond, which you can also use to do your own debunking, data analysis, trends tracking, and more. These are just a few of the tools that are now publicly available. Scientists and researchers everywhere are using these tools to do analysis that will help us understand how our planet works. Of course each tool has its limits, but it is important to understand what they can do.
Get started on becoming a citizen scientists today. Begin with the Skeptical Science Resources & Debunking Handbook to get a feel for scientific process, objectivity, skepticism, and inquiry. Teach yourself or anyone about climate change with these NY Times Graphs. Then try out some of the following dashboards and tools to do your own analysis. The Bloomberg Data Dash is highly recommended. Make a bookmark and keep tracking trends over time.
Bloomberg Data Dash: A Live Climate Scoreboard for the World
“These are the numbers that matter. A difficult global transition is happening right now, away from fossil fuels, deforestation, greenhouse-gas pollution and melting ice. It can be measured with precision and clarity. The processes described by this data dashboard are occurring on a planetary scale, and yet our progress can be measured this minute, in parts per million, in metric tons, in fractions of a degree. This is Bloomberg Green’s guide to the worldwide goal of slowing and stopping warming temperatures. This is a record of how far we have to go, and a tool to assess how much we can change.”
Learn & Act With These Climate Analytics Dashboards:
- Arctic Sea Ice Graphs – Google Sites
- Arctic Watch | Cambridge Network
- Brilliant
- Climate Action Tracker
- Climate Change | Data
- Climate Dashboard – Met Office
- Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service
- CO2 Emissions – Worldometer
- Desmog Blog
- Earth’s CO2 & Keeling Curve Watch
- EarthExplorer |USGS
- Earth Nullschool Global Map of Wind & Weather
- EarthObserver
- Earthquake Map | USGS
- Geiger Counter World Map
- Global Climate Dashboard: Climate Variability
- Google Climate Change Charts & Graphs
- Global Ice Viewer | NASA
- Global Temperature | Vital Signs – Climate Change: NASA
- Global Warming 101 | NRDC
- Global PM2.5 Map
- Global Map Aerosol Optical Depth | NASA Earth
- Have Zombies Eaten Bloomberg’s Brains?
- Ice Core Library | NSF
- NASA Worldview
- NOAA Climate Data
- NOAA Arctic Report Card
- NOAA Global Climate Dashboard
- NOAA Space Weather DashBoard
- National Snow and Ice Date Center (NSIDC)-Charctic
- Nukewatch
- Our Radioactive Ocean Tracker
- Physics | CERN
- Radiation and Fukushima Maps
- Resource Watch: Climate
- Science Briefs: Earth’s Climate History | NASA GISS
- Sea Level Rise Viewer – NOAA Office for Coastal Management
- Skeptical Science Resources
- Wolfram
- World Live Air Quality Map | AirVisual – IQAir
- World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity
- Yale Climate Connections
- Zach Labe Sea Ice Graphs
- Zooniverse