Nuclear Power: A Risk Analysis

“Far from tackling climate change, nuclear power is an expensive distraction whose safety is threatened by wildfires and floods, experts say.” – Climate News Network …

The End of Big Oil

Dirty Energy and Dirty Money.
This dastardly duo has plagued mankind for centuries, but now fossil fuel subsidized dirty energy and dirty money have put the future of all life in jeopardy. Even though our ingenuity as a species has been remarkable, we have ultimately become the victims of our own progress.


Renewable energy sources will be the world’s main source of power within two decades and are establishing a foothold in the global energy system faster …

Energy Sector Disruptors

“One cannot change an existing system; one must create a new system that makes the old system obsolete.” – Buckminster Fuller. Implications of Climate Change …

Health Impacts

“Whether we and our politicians know it or not, Nature is party to all our deals and decisions, and she has more votes, a longer …

Extreme Weather

Extreme Weather History | References “Scientists predict a major upturn in the incidence of extreme weather events due to the changing climate. According to the …

Coronavirus Pandemic

“However horrific the COVID-19 pandemic may seem, it is merely one symptom of gross human ecological dysfunction. The prospect of economic implosion is directly connected. The overarching reality is that the human enterprise is in a state of overshoot.”