Extreme Weather
“Scientists predict a major upturn in the incidence of extreme weather events due to the changing climate. According to the National Wildlife Foundation, the maximum wind speeds of tropical storms/hurricanes are expected to rise 11% by the end of the 21st century. Total rainfall is also expected to increase by over 30% and cause an even greater percentage rise in flood-related property damage, municipal water contamination and human casualties.” – PublicHealth.org
Please note that this page is in a very early draft stage. The purpose will be to help us understand and adapt to our ever-changing weather.
Above you will find the InfoGraphic from the Union of Concerned Scientists, which links to evidence-based reporting from the many scientists and researchers working on this issue and their up-to-the-minute findings on the connection between climate change and extreme weather.
This page will aim to inform the reader of the extreme weather phenomenon we are now facing due to climate change and will cover these topics: drought, wildfire, famines, food shortages and food security, extreme storms, and refugees. The following topics will also be addressed:
- The Types, Intensity and Consequences.
- The need for adaptation entailing planing and the implementation of strategies needed to improve resilience.
- “What Can I Do”/Recommendations sections will be provided with suggestions for remediation of these problems as recommended by the latest science news and discoveries as well as notable researchers. It will also introduce some prepping strategies for individuals.
This page started with the aspiration of including access to the online resource NIDIS. Looking at this page along with the associated links at the North American and Global levels provides an opportunity to begin to grasp the extent of this threat. Many notable sources are now reporting on this topic and more and will be compiled here.
It is now known that global warming is not only influencing extreme weather events, but causing them. Some further resources include:
- Extreme Weather | NCA
- Extreme Weather and Climate Change | C2ES
- Extreme Weather and Climate Change | Public Health
- 7 c Increased extreme weather events due to climate change | NOAA
Get closer than you’ve ever been to collapsing glaciers, out-of-control wildfires, and tornado-whipped debris while discovering the surprising connections among these powerful forces in National Geographic’s film, Extreme Weather.
Disaster Preparedness Resources: