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Why We All Need to Become Crusading Scholars

“...there’s a very real possibility that the latter part of the lives of most of you in this room will be grim or non-existent.” Universities do not deny the seriousness of anthropogenic dangerous climate change directly, but they are often complicit through its near-absence across much...
Alison Green Scientists Warning Foundation

From Academia to Activism

Once upon a time, before I became Executive Director of Scientists Warning, I was an academic, a cognitive psychologist with a successful career. And I was also becoming increasingly aware of the climate crisis: the year on year rise in atmospheric CO2 levels, the loss...

‘Massive-Scale Mobilization’ Necessary for Addressing Climate Change, Scientists Warn

A year after a global coalition of more than 11,000 scientists declared a climate emergency, Oregon State University researchers who initiated the declaration released an update today that points to a handful of hopeful signs, but shares continued alarm regarding an overall lack of progress...

Professor Bill McGuire on The Hazards of Geoengineering

In this latest interview from ScientistsWarning.TV, Professor McGuire and Dr. Green talk about the need for scientists to speak up about the climate and ecological crisis, about geoengineering - what it is and why we should care - and his new novel, 'Skyseed', a terrifying...

Economics 101 (i.e. Business as Usual & War)

The love of money has been called the root of all evil. It is certainly the root cause of many of the socioeconomic and ecological injustices we are facing today. Our current economic model is known as growth economics or growth capitalism. And it is...

Ecological Economics

Ecological, regenerative, well-being and sharing economy concepts are now emerging in public discourse. In this discussion the sharing economy is explained along with the notion of gross domestic well-being. Additionally, we introduce Herman Daly, Kate Raworth, Jeremy Rifkin and others as well as how to...

Take the Science Oath for Climate

Professor Chris Rapley (a member of the Scientists’ Warning Advisory Board) and colleagues Bill McGuire, Sarah Bracking, Simon Lewis, Jonathan Bamber and many others are inviting people across the scientific community to join a pledge to prevent catastrophic climate disruption and commit to full disclosure...
EN_ROADS Climate Simulator

Modeling the Climate Crisis with En-Roads

We know that we are in the midst of a climate and ecological emergency. A key question is what can we do about this? Which actions will have the greatest positive impact? Scientists have been working to develop modeling tools to help us to predict...
Emily Grossman

New book stresses urgency of action on climate crisis

Free online book by scientist and bestselling author of Brain-fizzing Facts, Dr Emily Grossman, breaks down the science of the climate and ecological crisis to make our situation easy for adults and teenagers to understand...