Discover How to Fact Check

How to Fact Check and Spot Fake News
In an age of infowars, conspiracy theories, and mass disinformation, critical thinking and fact checking skills are essential. According to the International Federation of Library Associations
(IFLA), critical thinking is a key skill in media and information
literacy, and the mission of libraries and evidence-based organizations
is to educate and advocate its importance.

Discussions about fake news has led to a new focus on media literacy
more broadly, and the role of libraries and other research and education
institutions in providing this. This downloadable infographic poster
from IFLA provides an excellent overview on steps in fact checking.

Climate Myths Debunked Knowledgebase
Warning Foundation is on a mission to protect life and ecosystems on
Earth by educating and advocating about climate science. This also means
speaking truth to power.

In Climate Myths Debunked Knowledgebase you will find discussions of the of the denial campaign
and the popular climate myths now being perpetuated online. Debunks are
a popular, entertaining and educational way to clear up climate
confusion, fact check, and get real about the crisis we now face and the
sixth mass extinction event now underway. This has been repeatedly denied by those in power in order to manufacture consent and keep business as usual going, making debunks extremely necessary and informative.