Economics 101 (i.e. Business as Usual & War)

The love of money has been called the root of all evil. It is certainly the root cause of many of the socioeconomic and ecological injustices we are facing today. Our current economic model is known as growth economics or growth capitalism. And it is at odds with the professional ethic to do no harm on this planet.

Ecological Economics

Ecological, regenerative, well-being and sharing economy concepts are now emerging in public discourse. In this discussion the sharing economy is explained along with the notion of gross domestic well-being. Additionally, we introduce Herman Daly, Kate Raworth, Jeremy Rifkin and others as well as how to adopt an ecological economy and comparable models.

End Poverty

“All for ourselves, and nothing for other people, seems, in every age of the world, to have been the vile maxim of the masters of mankind.” – Adam Smith


According to the Oxford Research Encyclopedia, “divestment is a socially responsible investing tactic to remove assets from a sector or industry based on moral objections to its business practices.”